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  • icon  International Advanced Computing Community (IACC)

Institutional Workshop

Institutional Workshop (Online/Offline)

In its quest to further fortify the manpower of the country in the futuristic technologies, IACC is now offering Online Workshops for trending technologies. These technologies involves Robotic Process Automation Using UiPath, Advanced Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Deep Learning, Python Programming, Advanced Deep Learning, Image & Video Processing, IoT & Drones, DevOps, Quantum Computing, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Cyber Security.

Upcoming Workshops

2 December 2023

Cloud Computing

10:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Rc Auditorim

IACC is now offering Online Workshops for trending technologies.

2 December 2023

Advanced Deep Learning

10:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Rc Auditorim

IACC is now offering Online Workshops for trending technologies.

Workshop Content

Robotic Process Automation Workshop:

What is Robotic Process Automation:

Robotic Automation Process (RPA) is a technology to automate the structured business processes. With the help of this technology, a user can automate such processes which are repetitive in nature i.e. to extract the invoice number and amount from PDF file, Operational activities in sales, Data extraction etc.

RPA is one of the fastest growing technology and adopted by most of the organization to automate various processes.

Course Objectives:

  • Able to create automated projects using UI Path.
  • Able to create the workflow using diagram and flowchart.
  • Able to develop the automated process for different domain.


  • Computer Concept.
  • Understanding of Programming Language fundamentals.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
Introduction Introduction to RPA, Application areas, Benefits and use cases.
Introduction to UIPath Introduction to UI Path, Discussion about user interface, Design of basic workflows and type of workflows.
Sequences Flowchart and sequences.
Managing Variables Discussion about various kind of variables i.e. integer, generic, string and many
Control Flow Different kind of activities i.e. assign, Do-while, if, switch etc.
Recording UI Path supports different types of recording i.e. desktop, and web. In this session we will perform the exercise for recording using UI Path.
Day 2
Data Scraping & Excel automation In this session, there will be a discussion about data scraping using UI Path and Excel Automation.
Email and PDF automation In this session, there will be discussion about Email and PDF automation.
Demonstration and Exam
  • Demonstration of the automated process
  • Case studies in RPA
  • Online Exam

Hardware and software:

  1. Latest laptop having RAM more than 4 GB
  2. UI Studio (https://www.uipath.com/developers/community-edition)

Cloud Computing :

Workshop Target:

  • Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.
  • Our target goal will be to provide them enough information on the AWS services so that they can prepare themselves & gain certifications for AWS Cloud certified Practitioner and Solution Architect exams.

Research Topics:

  • Research topics in cloud computing such as cloud resource provisioning, task scheduling, Green Cloud Computing, Edge and Fog computing will also be covered during the workshop.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Introduction - Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Datacentre
  • Cloud Service & Deployment Models, Mapping - Enterprise DC & AWS
  • Compute - EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
  • Storage - EBS (Elastic Block Store)
  • Network - VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
  • Network - ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
  • Compute - Auto Scaling
  • Network - Route53
Day 2
  • Storage - S3 (Simple Storage Service)
  • Storage - EFS (Elastic File Store)
  • Security & Identity - IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  • Command Line Interface
  • Database -RDS & DynamoDB
  • Notification - Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • Monitoring - CloudWatch
  • Serverless Compute
  • Lambda
  • Automation - Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC)
  • Cloud Trial
  • Trusted Advisor
Lab Platform:

AWS Cloud (every participant will have to create own AWS free tier account to perform AWS Lab Hands-on)

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Blockchain, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
Introduction to Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
  • Blockchain Architecture
  • Cryptographic Hash
  • Digital Signatures
  • Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptosystems
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Bitcoin Transactions
Blockchain Mining
  • Miners
  • Consensus Protocols
  • Peer-to-Peer Networks
  • Distributed Ledger Technology
Types of Blockchain
  • Public Blockchain
  • Private Blockchain
  • Hybrid Blockchain
Blockchain Platforms
  • Ethereum
  • Hyper Ledger
Hands-on Session Ethereum Metamask
  • Installing MetaMask
  • Creating Ethereum wallets
  • Performing Ethereum transactions on different test networks
Smart Contracts and Solidity Programming
  • Smart Contracts
  • Advantages of smart contracts
  • Introduction to Solidity Programming Language.
  • Key concepts in solidity.
  • Solidity value types
  • Solidity arrays, structures and functions.
  • Inheritance in Solidity
  • Access Modifiers and Special Blockchain variables
  • Mapping in solidity
  • Control structures and looping in solidity.
Hands-on Session
  • Setup Ethereum development tools like Geth, Mist and Remix IDE to run Smart Contracts.
  • Creating wallet transactions on Mist and Remix.
  • Creating and deploying various smart contracts on private Ethereum Blockchain network
Day 2
Hands-on Session
  • Developing smart contracts for E-Voting
  • Design and Developing smart contracts for KYC
  • Introduction to Ganache blockchain
  • Developing Blockchain based projects using Ganache
Hands-on Session
  • Complete Blockchain Developer Toolkit
  • Truffle suite for compiling and migrating the chain code
  • How to build a Blockchain App
Hands-on Session
  • Building the Blockchain based decentralised applications (Dapps).
  • Creating Decentralised Applications for E-Voting, Know Your Customer (KYC)
  • DApp for digital marketplace using cryptocurrency
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • Bitcoin Scripts
  • Benefits and issues with the Bitcoin
  • Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin
Introduction to Authentication Protocols
  • Security requirements and attacks in the wireless environments
  • Design of Secure authentication protocols
  • Cryptanalysis of protocols and implementation
  • AVISPA, ProVerif tools
  • Public key infrastructure for Blockchain
  • Performance Evaluation
Research Trends in Blockchain
  • Blockchain Use cases
  • Blockchain in Healthcare
  • Blockchain with Cyber Security
  • Blockchain and IoT

Blockchain Modules:

OS preference & software to be installed:
  1. Windows 10
  2. System Type 64 bit
  3. RAM: 4GB or above
  4. Software to be installed: NodeJS
  5. Blockchain developer tools will be installed and demonstrated during Hands-on session.

Deep Learning:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Deep Learning, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
Theory Session
  • Motivation: Foundations and Terminology of Deep Learning
  • AI vs ML vs DL: A comparison
  • Features and Weights
  • Machine Learning Recap: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression
  • Activation Functions
  • Neural Networks
  • Loss Functions
  • Gradient Descent
  • Feedforward and Backward Propagation
  • Deep Learning Model training
Lab Session
  • Hands on with Python
  • Building Neural Networks Lab
Theory Session
  • Dataset splitting and distribution
  • Evaluation Metrics
  • Error Analysis
  • Bias vs Variance
  • Performance comparison
  • Regularization
  • L1/L2 regularization, Dropout
  • Early Stopping, Normalization
  • Optimization methods
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
Lab Session
  • Neural Network Hyperparameter Tuning and Optimization
Day 2
Theory Session
  • ANN vs CNN
  • Convolution, pooling, padding, striding
  • Inception Network
  • Transfer Learning
  • Applications of CNN
  • Object Detection
  • Landmark Detection
  • Siamese Networks
Lab Session
  • Building Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Analysis of convolution, pooling, padding and striding
Lab Session
  • ANN vs RNN
  • Sequential Processing with RNN
  • Forward and Back Propagation
  • Language Models
  • Sampling data from RNN
Lab Session
  • Building Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Text Classification with Custom Dataset
Theory Session
  • LSTM and GRU
  • Word Embedding Models
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Image Captioning
  • Machine Translation
  • Speech Transcription
Online Exam

Python Programming:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Python Programming, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1: Python - An Introduction & Data Processing
Basics Python Basic Tutorial: Introduction, Installation, Environment Setup, Basic Syntax, Variable Types, Basic Operators, Decision, Making, Loops, Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary, Date & Time, Functions, Modules, Files I/O, Exceptions.
Numpy Introduction, Installation, Environment, Ndarray Object, Data Types, Array Attributes, Array from Existing Data, Array From Numerical Ranges, Indexing & Slicing, Broadcasting, Iterating Over Array, Array Manipulation, Binary Operators, String Functions, Arithmetic Operations.
Scipy Introduction, Installation, File input/output, Special functions, Linear algebra operations, Fast Fourier transforms, Optimization and fit, Statistics and random numbers, Interpolation, Numerical integration, Signal processing, Image processing
Day 2:
Pandas Introduction, Installation, Object Creation, Viewing Data, Selection (Getting, Selection by Label, Selection by Position, Boolean Indexing, Setting), Missing Data, Operations (Stats, Apply, Histogramming, String Methods), Merge (Concat, Join, Append), Grouping, Reshaping (Stack, Pivot Tables), Time Series, Categoricals, Plotting
Matplotlib Introduction, Installation, Plotting with default settings, Instantiating defaults, Changing colors and line widths, Setting limits, Setting ticks, Setting tick labels, Moving spines, Adding a legend, Figures, Subplots, Axes, Ticks, Regular Plots, Scatter Plots, Bar Plots.
Images Binarize Images, Blurring Images, Cropping Images, Detect Edges, Enhance Contrast Of Color Image, Enhance Contrast Of Greyscale Image, Harris Corner Detector, Installing OpenCV, Isolate Colors, Load Images, Remove Backgrounds, Save Images, Sharpen Images, Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector, Using Mean Color As A Feature.
Text Bag of Words, Parse HTML, Remove Punctuation, Remove Stop Words, Replace Characters, Stemming Words, Strip Whitespace, Tag Parts Of Speech, Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency
Scikit Learn
  • Introduction and Preparation: Data formats, preparation, and representation, Supervised learning: Training and test data, Estimators for classification, Estimators for regression analysis. Clustering, the scikit-learn estimator interface,
  • Models: Cross-Validation, Model complexity and grid search for adjusting hyperparameters, Scikit-learn Pipelines, Performance metrics for classification, Linear Models, Support Vector Machines, Decision trees and random forests, and ensemble methods, feature selection
  • Basics: Introduction, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron, Deep Neural Networks.
  • Deep Learning Models: Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Auto encoder
  • Applications: Image Classification, Text Classification

Advanced Deep Learning:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Advanced Deep Learning, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Hands on with Tensorflow 2.0 and PyTorch
  • Unsupervised Deep Learning
  • Sparse Coding
  • Restricted Boltzman Machine
Day 2
  • Deep Belief Networks
  • Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders
  • Generative Adveersial Networks (GANs)
  • 3D CNN, YOLO v3, RefineDet, M2Det
  • Image Segmentation, Style Transfer

Image & Video Processing:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Image & Video Processing, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Convolution Filters for smoothing and edge detection
  • Hough Transform for line and circle detection
  • Texture based classification
  • Optical Flow for motion detection in videos
Day 2
  • Face Detection and Recognition
  • Human activity Recognition
  • Manifold learning for images
  • ANN and CNN for image classification

IoT & Drones DIY-Workshop:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide them enough information on the basics of robotics, IoT and Drones. So that participants are able to build applications using Arduino and Raspberry Pi for solving the real life challenges.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Introduction the Internet of Things and Drones
  • Robotics and various sensors
  • Hands on experiments on different development boards i.e. Arduino, Raspberry Pi,
  • Interfacing with various sensors, actuators and motors
Day 2
  • Projects on Raspberry Pi
  • Drone categories, components and applications
  • Live Demonstration of commercial drones

Lab Platform:

For the experiment purpose we will use GCC compiler.

Quantum Computing Workshop:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Quantum Computing and Quantum machine Learning so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Quantum System
  • Physical phenomena
  • Quantum Superposition principle
  • Normalization
  • Hermitian, Unitary
  • Pauli matrices, Complex Vector Space, State Space: Hilbert Space
Day 2
  • Quantum states and Qubit, Representing Qubit States
  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Quantum Auto Encoder
  • Quantum kernel estimation
  • Quantum machine Learning

Augmented/Virtual Reality Workshop:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on the Augmented/Virtual Reality, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Exploring the Unity User Interface, Using Game Objects and Assets
  • Managing Projects and Assets, Preparing Assets for Implementation
  • Assembling the Game Level, Lighting in Games
  • Baking Lighting in Game Production
  • Animating Game Objects in the Unity Editor
  • Bringing Animations into the Game, Scripting in Game Development
Day 2
  • Implementing Navigation and Pathfinding
  • Creating Particle Systems
  • Adding Audio to Game Levels
  • Building the Camera and Player Selection System
  • Building and Deploying the Game
  • AR/VR

Cyber Security Workshop:

Workshop Target:

Each module will have demos, case studies & practical implementations so that participants get the better understanding of the concepts.

Our target goal will be to provide enough information on Cyber Security, so the participant can utilize the gained knowledge for the development of various applications.

Workshop Schedule:

Day 1
  • Threats, Vulnerabilities, and attacks
  • Need of ARP, Man in the middle attack, counter measure against it
  • Malware Threats, Virus, Worms, Trojan, Malware Analysis, Countermeasure
  • Demonstrate 3-way handshake using  WireShark
Day 2
  • Setting up a honeypot server using pen Test tools on Kali Linux
  • Use various Nmap commands to activate the intrusion detection system on honeypot server
  • Hands-on Network scanning  & Vulnerability Analysis
  • Hands-on System hijacking & SQL injection
Online Workshop/Training